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 ·  ☕ 1 min read
  • Goにはtry-catchがない
  • なぜか?

First, there is nothing truly exceptional about errors in computer programs. For instance, the inability to open a file is a common issue that does not deserve special linguistic constructs; if and return are fine.

f, err := os.Open(fileName)
if err != nil {
    return err

Also, if errors use special control structures, error handling distorts the control flow for a program that handles errors. The Java-like style of try-catch-finally blocks interlaces multiple overlapping flows of control that interact in complex ways. Although in contrast Go makes it more verbose to check errors, the explicit design keeps the flow of control straightforward—literally.

There is no question the resulting code can be longer, but the clarity and simplicity of such code offsets its verbosity. Explicit error checking forces the programmer to think about errors—and deal with them—when they arise. Exceptions make it too easy to ignore them rather than handle them, passing the buck up the call stack until it is too late to fix the problem or diagnose it well.
Go at Google: Language Design in the Service of Software Engineering

  • フローが明確になるかららしい
  • まあtry-catchが不自然なのはわかる
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YuWd (Yuiga Wada)
YuWd (Yuiga Wada)