なぜシードは42が使われるのか? ダグラス・アダムスのSF小説「銀河ヒッチハイク・ガイド」に由来 Seven and a half million years later…. Fook and Lunkwill are long gone, but their descendants continue what they started “All right,” said Deep Thought. “The Answer to the Great Question…” “Yes..!” “Of Life, the Universe and Everything…” said Deep Thought. “Yes…!” “Is…” said Deep Thought, and paused. “Yes…!” “ ...
pythonのfloatはCでいうdouble np.float32はCのfloatと同じ 一方, np.float64はpythonのfloat float in Py == double in C == np.float64 == 8バイト np.float32 === float in C == 4バイト ...