· ☕ 1 min read
Trigger → Internal / External Action Eyal draws on B.J. Fogg’s work regarding persuading users to perform a desired behavior, as follows: The user must have motivation (M). The user must have the ability to complete the action (A). A trigger (T) must be present to activate the behavior. In short, Fogg’s formula is B = MAT. Variable Reward Rewards of the tribe is a social rewards fueled by connectedness with other people. Rewards of the hunt is the search for material resources and information. Rewards of the self is the search for intrinsic rewards of mastery, competence, and completion. → 社会(外的)・物理・内的 Investment → “a bit of work” (not passive but active) For example, in the onboarding processes for Pinterest, Facebook, and LinkedIn. In the case of LinkedIn, the application presents users with a graph that illustrates the strength ...