Yuiga Wada (和田唯我)
- @YuigaWada (alias: YuWd)

- Swift / Objective-C
- Python / PyTorch
- Rust
- Golang
- C++ / C
- C#
- OCaml
- Typescript: Vue, Nuxt, … etc
- Java
- Javascript
- psql
- Machine Learning
- Computer Science
Fav & Hobby
- Philosophy
- Heidegger
- Husserl
- Literature
- Haruki Murakami
- Osamu Dazai
- Kobo Abe
- Anime
- Attack on Titan
- Programing
- Survey
iCimulator: iCimulator simulates camera functions on iOS Simulator with images, videos, or your MacBook Camera. (Swift)
PolioPager: A flexible TabBarController library with search tab like SNKRS (Swift)
CallSlicer : A tweak that enables your Apple Watch to show a third-party incoming call. (Objective-C)
YanagiText: A lightweight TextView where can be attached any UIView. (Swift)
MisskeyKit-for-iOS: An elegant Misskey framework written in Swift. (Swift)
AtCoderAlert: A service to tweet your latest progress report for AtCoder. (Typescript , Nuxt.js)
PortSnippet: PortSnippet monitors source codes and automatically generates snippets. (Rust)
CORSMAL2021: Our team KEIO-ICS participated in the CORSMAL challenge 2021. (Python)
- Our paper was accepted and published in ICASSP 2022. (equal contributor)
yush: A simple shell written in OCaml + Lex + Yacc. Just a toy for learning 🧠 (OCaml)
scrapbox-cli: A simple cli viewer for Scrapbox. Written in pure golang ʕ◉ϖ◉ʔ. (Golang)
note-backup: Backup any articles from note.com. (Typescript)
Flareformer: Large-scale Solar Flare Prediction by Integrating Magnetograms and Sunspot Physical Features Resources (PyTorch)
- The paper is published in FIT 2022
arxivProfiler: With this application, you can account for the total number of citations (= credibility of a paper) in an instant from the arxiv link.
『ウサギちゃんは残酷な月』 : My maiden work
凡人理系学部生の我々は何をすべきなのか: My latest essay
【超具体的に】大学一年生としての2019年度を振り返る: My first article
- ICASSP22発表
- FIT22発表
- CORSMAL: 3部門でトップ性能達成
- REVERIE ChallengeでHonorable Mention Awardを受賞
- Swift: 検索タブ内蔵のタブライブラリ PolioPagerを作ったお話
- RxDataSources × UITableView: アニメーション付きでセルを追加した際にスクロール位置を固定する
- 【授業スライド】AnonyMask
- 【授業スライド】Sugar Visualizer
- サイエンスフロンティア高校授業資料①
- サイエンスフロンティア高校授業資料②
- 論文メモ
- 輪講:On the Versatile Uses of Partial Distance Correlation in Deep Learning
- 輪講:Deep Learning without Shortcuts: Shaping the Kernel with Tailored Rectifiers
- 輪講:Energy-Based Learning for Scene Graph Generation
- 輪講:Surrogate Gap Minimization Improves Sharpness-Aware Training
- 輪講:Do Transformers Really Perform Bad for Graph Representation?
- 輪講:Prototypical Contrastive Learning of Unsupervised Representations
- 輪講:Vision Transformer with Deformable Attention
- 個人ブログ/Qiita/Zenn/Scrapbox/note 使い分け
- ORCID: YuigaWada
- GoogleScholar: YuigaWada
- Member
- Replica
