- headはlossを小さく, tailはlossを大きくしたい
- 重み
を使ってlossを設計する (二値の場合)
In this equation, E(r) outputs 1 when r is a foreground region proposal and 0 when it belongs to background. And fj is the frequency of category j in the dataset, which is computed by the image number of the class j over the image number of the entire dataset. And Tλ(x) is a threshold function which outputs 1 when x < λ and 0 otherwise. λ is utilized to distinguish tail categories from all other categories and Tail Ratio (T R) is used as the criterion to set the value of it
- TRを元に
を決定する (Tail Ratio)
- 多クラス問題の場合は,
- でOK

- 関連: Focal Loss