#dataset #機械学習 #todo
[text captioning]用のデータセット
- [text captioning]: OCR的側面を持ったImage Captioning
- 評価はどうするの問題
We report BLEU, METEOR, ROUGE-L, SPICE and CIDEr metrics for each submissions using coco-captions package. The leaderboard scores are sorted based on CIDEr and final ranking will be provided after the challenge based on a mixture of human evaluations and CIDEr.
- 引用: https://textvqa.org/textcaps/challenge/
- どうやら, n-gram評価系列ではないSPICE等も評価に使うらしい
- [SPICE: Semantic Propositional Image Caption Evaluation]
[***** [https://gyazo.com/b5ed36934356fdd7eeff88b5eaefb91a]]